Cindy as Wife and Mother
Cindy Ubben Mitchell married Scott Causey in 1992 and blended their five children. Juggling school, work and church didn’t leave a lot of time for other things, but the family was close.
Shared values, cooperation and a lot of coordination made it work. Everyone grew up to be contributing members of society, smart, hard-working, responsible adults. Mission accomplished!
Grandchildren came along and were a special blessing for Cindy and Scott.
When Scott died suddenly in early 2019, the family rallied, and although that might signal the breakup of other clans, it just made the Causey-Mitchells that much stronger.
They find time to gather several times a year, especially for the Family Reunion in August. Plus, they maintain a lively text thread, sharing bits and pieces of life with each other.
Cindy as Published Author
Cindy Causey taught herself to type in the 8th grade because she couldn’t write in her diary fast enough in longhand.
Her first published romance, A Different Drum, is a story about how opposites attract in the most unexpected way. It was published in May 2009 by The Wild Rose Press.
Cindy’s second romance A Hot Time in Texas, also with The Wild Rose Press, came out in August of 2009 and is a steamy romp through a crazy summer in a small town.
Her latest book, Sensible Shoes, is a humorous look at aging, family, friends, loss and love. It will be available in early 2025 from The Wild Rose Press.
You can check out Cindy’s books here.
Cindy’s Next Chapter
The start of this blog is the beginning of Cindy’s next chapter. She spends her days with friends and family, writing or traveling. She has several other fiction ideas in various stages and enjoys attending writing workshops around the country, on Zoom, and even went to Corfu in 2023 for a memoir workshop.
“It’s exciting to think what this next phase of my life will look like,” she said. “I’d love to travel, cruising in particular, visit my family in Oregon, spend more time with my grands in Dallas, and work on perfecting my forever home.”
Cindy as Business Owner
Cindy spent her career as an advertising copywriter, then copy chief and finally marketing manager at JCPenney.
When she retired in 2007, she and husband Scott opened Dallas Media Center in a neighborhood strip center. They spent the next twelve years providing video production, editing, audio and photo transfers, as well as website and other graphic services to north Texas.
When Scott died suddenly in February of 2019, a void was left for her personally and professionally. In the fall of 2021 Cindy sold Dallas Media Center and now handles websites and graphics work from her home.