Too Many Vegetables

I’ve had a couple of revelations this past week. This is a result of more quiet time spent immersed in my crosswords (my addiction of choice–better than some others I can think of,) FreeCell, or TikTok and a new one (thanks so much to friend, Melinda) Wordle. I have an addictive personality, but it runs to vocabulary, grammar, spelling, etc.

Really, who says that?

A writer, that’s who.

But as usual, I digress. Quiet time coupled with less work and time alone (thanks, Omicron!) means more thinking. Thinking made me wonder why, if I am such a writer, I am not writing. After all I shut down my business September 1 and we finished the work mid-October–plenty of time to start the blog, work on the rewrite of my WIP (work-in-progress–a story for another day) or add some pages to any of the other story ideas I’ve been noodling. But nothing. Not a word on paper, not a letter. I haven’t even sat down in front of a blank screen. Why, why, why?

Which brings me back to my revelations.

Revelation No. 1

I only sold the parts of my business that I didn’t do. That was a big surprise!

Here I was thinking I was going to be retired, eating French onion dip while watching Hallmark movies (which, full disclosure, I have certainly done on occasion) but no, I have been working every business day since (except for holiday weeks.) Turns out I kept the websites, graphic work, and my main video production client–the same portfolio I had at the store. And until yesterday, I have been working on those parts of the business nearly every day.

I certainly didn’t see that coming.

“No, you cannot have French onion dip. You have to call GoDaddy.” That’s a tech support number, by the way, not my pimp.

Revelation No. 2

I was raised to eat my vegetables before I can have dessert. What, you’re asking, does that have to do with anything?

For me writing has been a reward, time spent away from the drudgeries of everyday life, something I did for the purest pleasure of stringing syllables together on paper, the joy of a perfectly chosen word, placed in a perfectly paced sentence, structured to create powerful emotional response whether it’s laughter, tears, tension, romance, you name it.

So, I would only write when the work was done, the dishes washed, the clothes folded, the children entertained, the husband occupied. When I had eaten my vegetables.

Most of my veggies are gone now, and I am left with a nearly empty plate.


Well, here I am, butt in chair, fingers on the keys, typing this nonsense to share with you, realizing that I am a grown woman and I no longer have to eat veggies first. In fact yesterday I had ice cream in the middle of the afternoon! Yes, I’m a rebel, a maverick, cruising toward destruction. . .writing!

I am grateful to you for reading this far! And for your comments. So wonderful to hear such nice things from you. I hope you’ll keep coming back. And I hope to give you food for thought (no vegetables!)

I told a friend that my goal is to be the next Erma Bombeck–funny, wise, poignant, and relevant.

I really better hurry. I have a lot of catching up to do.

7 thoughts on “Too Many Vegetables

  1. I was raised the same way… dinner first and then dessert. That is when we had dessert….usually Sundays. Your revelation that we can eat dessert anytime really is a revelation. I had pie (made by me of course….Cranberry Sauce, Pecan, Apple and Raisin) last night but only after dinner. So tomorrow I’m only gonna eat dessert…all day! Maybe it’ll inspire me to start a cooking blog…..but it’ll have to be some really good dessert!

  2. Carcoochie board! That’s what I’m calling it from now on. Love your blog! I think it takes time after you retire to settle in and start doing the things you imagined retirement would be. Looking forward to more Cindyisms! ❤️

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