And I Call Myself a Senior Influencer?

Okay, so when I started this blog, I thought, “Cindy, you are so clever. You are brilliant. No one has thought of this before! You will be the first Senior Influencer.”

What a schmuck.

There are dozens of established SIs (already I am tired of typing it) out there, only, and get this. . . they are called ELDER INFLUENCERS.

That is insulting and I will not have it. So, while I am late to this particular party (such a norm in my life– one day I will tell you about my environmental book and my romance novels) I am powering forward as an SI and the rest of social media be darned.

In researching other SIs, I found something disturbing. It seems that if you want to be in the top ten and have thousands or millions of followers, you have to look somewhat. . .crazy pants.  In addition to Man Mountain Dean (actually Lance Walsh) above, here are some examples:

Iris Apfel
George Takei
Lyn Slater
Lili Hayes
Ari Seth Cohen
Linda Rodin
Sarah Jane Adams
Moon Lin

Are you seeing it?  Each of these folks has a schtick!  A THING that sets them apart:  long yellow braids, armfuls of huge bangles, dark and dangerous fashion, Andy Warhol’s hair, a licky dog that won’t fit in her purse (and that purse!), or a camouflage midriff shirt with an enormous chastity belt.  It seems that to be a popular SI, I have to look ridiculous, wear that fur hat, be a previously famous gay man, or a tiny Asian woman. 

Have you seen me?

I look like this:

This is ordinary.  This does not grab your attention.

I did wear this braid once.
I don’t think it was that cute.

And I tried out Andy Warhol’s hair, but it didn’t really work.

And I got these really big glasses like Iris Apfel.  It didn’t get me any followers, but I could see my computer really well.

So, I will be on the lookout for a hook that will set me apart from all the other crazy pants influencers out there.  

If you think of anything let me know. 

11 thoughts on “And I Call Myself a Senior Influencer?

  1. I LOVE your “ordinary” picture, though. They have to have a schtick because they aren’t multi-talented like you!

  2. Erma B didn’t have a schtick. Like you, she was a cleaver and witty writer with a since of humor. Which reminds me that I found an Erma Bombeck column that Linda had kept. I am saving it to give you at our next lunch.

    1. Oh, that would be wonderful! And you’re right, I may have to get by on my wit alone. Geez. I may be in big trouble. Maybe I can find those drillteam boots. . .

  3. How about some George Hurrell black and white photography where you look gorgeous and showing a little cleavage. You know like those publicity shots from the movie studios in the 40’s. I bet that would get some attention. 😁

  4. Cindy you need to be a different kind of SI.! You’re not the dress up type. Maybe a Late Blooming SI. After retirement comes a new kind of freedom. Hopefully there are enough decades left to enjoy it….so get started….finish that book, be a SI Wordle standout…there’s so much more to do than come up with a really odd costume. .

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