Upstairs/Downstairs, Part 1

As I write this, I can hear two men upstairs talking forcefully on their separate Zoom calls. They are my son Adam and his partner Corey, and they are working from home.

My home.

They have moved into my upstairs area, essentially an apartment with bedroom, bath and lounge, sans kitchen, for a month while their apartment in the uptown area of Dallas is being renovated.

This is a win-win for everyone except the cats.

Yes, there are cats. And rolling racks of clothes, and large boxes of artwork, and . . .

Let me start at the beginning.

They moved out of their apartment 6 weeks ago and into an Airbnb in Lakewood. They planned to be in that location for a month, then come to stay with me for two weeks.

Plans change.

They were told it would be an additional two weeks. I was thrilled.

Then the deliveries started. First they brought over multiple, very large boxes of framed artwork they didn’t want put into storage. No problem, we stuffed them in the dormer windows upstairs.

Then Adam brought over a rolling rack of his summer clothes. We stuffed it in the dormer.

Then before they even moved in, two big boxes of new rugs arrived. I dragged them upstairs and stuffed them into the dormers. It was starting to get crowded and I feared the floor might collapse and fall on me while I slept.

Then came the giant screen. One of those full-sized Japanese Shoji screens with lattice on one side and rice paper on the other. I dragged it in the house and left it for the boys (yes, that’s what I call them, stop judging) to drag upstairs and supposedly stuff in a dormer (fat chance.)

Then, two weeks ago, they moved in. I had tried to clean out closet space upstairs, but it’s hard because my closets are consumed by holiday buckets, extra Christmas trees, wreaths, and a giant nutcracker. I like Christmas. But I managed to empty a closet for Corey, one for Adam, and another downstairs space for Adam’s overflow.

My son is fancy. If you know him, or have seen pictures, you know this is true. He wears blazers and brooches and white pants year round. It’s one of the things we all love about him, including Corey, thank God. So there are lots and lots and lots of clothes.

Fortunately Corey keeps his flame to a simmer so he doesn’t need as much space.

We haven’t talked about the screen or the cats, but that will be for next week; they deserve a post of their own.

In the meantime let me just say that I am overjoyed to have the boys here. Adam and I have loved our morning coffee time. Corey and I have had time for long talks in the evening and while Adam was traveling to DC. We have all shared meals out and delivered in, and Adam, Corey and I have all cooked. Mostly Adam, who is a savant with spices.

Our two weeks have been, as Adam would tell you, “charmed.” And as Corey has told me, “so much better than the Airbnb.” This is high praise.

I’m just so grateful to get this time. And that I have dormer windows.

Since they got here, there have been minimal deliveries, except for the box of 15 pairs of white pants that arrived on Tuesday. Adam says they are replacement pants for the summer to come.

That’s my boy.

14 thoughts on “Upstairs/Downstairs, Part 1

  1. I met the cat (black and white and fuzzy) and observed the screen that was supposed to keep the cat(s) upstairs. I have my own story.

  2. We do enjoy your blog. Joe and I are dreaming of coming to visit you and the rest of our cousins there in early 2023. I will bring my blazers and brooches and white pants… I wear these things every day here in Santa Fe (so maybe I’ll fit in fine just there). Thanks for this blog post!

    1. Victoria, so great to hear from the Ubbens! We would love to have you come and stay. Most of us aren’t as fancy as Adam, but we will still show you all the best of Dallas!

  3. well, the visuals on this in my imagination make it great fun!! so glad you all get to do this. build it, and they will come, right??

  4. Without even meeting them I already love “your boys”. And I am jealous you get to spend time with them. AND THEY COOK!

  5. Cindy, didn’t know you were running a hotel this spring. Bet you are enjoying the boys being around, in addition to the cats. Thank you with the board problem; next time I will know where to go to get one made. You will not believe this; yes you will! You know me too well and how scattered I am. Found the missing board in with boards of Queen Victoria’s children. How did it get there?? There is an invisible person who lives here, too; and she/he loves to hide things from me. I live a “safari life”, and if I don’t have at least 5-6 big hunts a day, it is not a normal day. So wish this person would move out!! Love your blog; you are so creative!!

    1. Hahahaha. I, too, hunt for things all day, often forgetting what I was looking for. So glad you found the missing board!

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