Judge not, lest ye find ye-self falling down the TikTok rabbit hole. TikTok is a complete waste of time, I am the first to admit. You (meaning I) click on it and look up a bit later to find two hours have passed. I now set a timer.
However, I have discovered some little nuggets of wisdom on TikTok, along with the rescued dogs and huge horses with furry feet that populate my feed. And about a hundred chicken recipes that call for cream cheese. But I digress.

This post is a random collection of nuggets I’ve discovered or rediscovered recently. As your Senior Influencer, it’s part of my job to offer up reviews of products, time-saving tips (these are now called hacks, which sounds somewhat illegal,) and new ways of doing things we’ve been doing just fine for forever.
Range hood — Mine was disgusting. Sticky and dusty, which is not a good combo, and impervious to Windex, 409, the Magic Eraser–nothing worked. Then on TikTok, I saw this product–SUPER CLEAN. One spritz and a wipe dry and my range hood–which is glass– was sparkling clean. I ordered this from Amazon because I couldn’t find it at Tom Thumb. It might have been at Walmart.
Lunch Boxes–Next up, these cute plastic boxes with the snappy lids. I was looking for a way to have a quick lunch packed for a few days that would contain the things I wanted to eat all in one grab-and-go container. So I got three of these at AT HOME (my new favorite place) and filled them with turkey, cheese, nuts, dried fruit, ranch cup, apple slices … you get the idea. Love, love, love these.

Air Fryer— I have watched people air fry everything from chicken wings to slabs of fennel. Again, I have TikTok envy. And trying to eat healthier, I decided to get one. This is by Cuisinart, was very reasonable at Bed, Bath and Beyond, and replaced my toaster (since it also toasts, and warms, and bakes. ) I use it everyday. And, by the way, fried fennel slabs are delicious.

Everything But the Bagel Seasoning— This has been around for a minute, but it bears re-introducing. This is the magic elixir of seasonings. It contains all the crunchy, tasty goodness from an everything bagel in a sprinkly jar. I sprinkly it on avocado toast, eggs, cottage cheese, meat, veg, just about everything except fruit or ice cream. You can get it at Trader Joe’s for sure.
So there you are. The first edition of As Seen On TikTok. I can guarantee there will be more. Chicken recipes with cream cheese for starters.
Also, I would love to hear your tips, tricks, product faves and what not, whether from TikTok or your mom or that invention of your own fertile mind. (Actually we might want to keep those to a minimum.)
2 thoughts on “As seen on TikTok”
dear senior influencer…
I am in need of all of the above, including that wonderful horse!
I love a massive, muscly horse with hairy feet. It’s also how I like my men. . .isn’t that how the joke goes?
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