I’m not talking about those places that make us moan in ecstasy — like the pick up window at Jake’s or Starbuck’s or Andy’s–or pretty much anywhere except CVS where I spend way too much time (probably because of the time spent at the other pick-up windows, actually.)
No, I’m talking about the places in your house that are vignettes of decor that feature a sitting apparatus of some sort and a table of some other sort and a comfy pillow or two. In my home they are the places that I love the most, but that serve no useful purpose whatsoever.
Cases in point:

My Living Room: The would-be reading corner. It features an antique chair gifted to me by my mom, softened with pillows and sided by a tall thin table that houses all my Shutterfly books (which is a story for another day) and the beautiful vase that I got at my friend Lee’s art show. Everything echos the blue and orange palette of the room. There is also a handsome floor lamp, should I ever decide to actually read there. The pretty butterfly pillow sports one of my favorite sayings: They whispered to her, “You cannot withstand the storm.” She whispered back, “I AM the storm.” Take that, THEY.

My Bedroom: I think I have mentioned that my house suffers from multiple personality disorder. The living room is transitional, but the media room is lodge, and my bedroom is a reflection of my love of modern farmhouse. And so here you’ll find a rocking chair (actually Molly’s but it doesn’t go in her mid-mod home) that has gone from pillar to post in the house and never really had a home until now. It is anchored by a cowhide rug, and draped in fleecy faux lamb’s wool. It’s next to the traditional end table that goes with the also traditional sleighbed, topped with distressed white-framed pictures. On the wall is a watercolor portrait of me that artist/husband Mike painted years ago. The pillow in the chair was a sweet gift from Erin and has the names of everyone in the family on it. I never sit here, but I love how this vignette stakes its claim on the room with no apologies.

Upstairs Guestroom: I shared the story of the renovation of the upstairs with you two nearly two years ago. This room, because of the furniture, leaned very traditional with twin beds from my mother and a beautiful chest built by my dad. The bedding ended up being pure white and tufted, quite different from anything else in the house. My first accessory purchases were “conversation” pillows in French. Voila! The room took on that accent and I leaned heavily into it, framing a black and white café scene for one wall. Then came the slipper chair because guests need a place to put on their shoes and scroll through their email. And, when I found the one in the French conversation print, I had to have it, made more luxe with a furry silver pillow. The small side table holds a candle, vase of flowers and a tray depicting the Eiffel Tower. Mais oui!
Office/Guest Lounge/Honey Oak Room: This is the enormous erstwhile dorm room across the hall from the French room that serves many purposes, but none less often than guest lounge. Housing all of my sweet old honey oak furniture, much of which my dad made and I have promised to keep for Adam and Molly, although, really, honey oak? Anyway I love it and purchased the sofa bed in the bright blue, because it makes me happy. This is where the girls sleep when they overnight with me. They can set it up and take it down without any help from me, which is swell. On the coffee table is an ocean drum, a unique gift from Erin and Sarah’ mom, Robin. It plays like a drum, but when it is picked up and tilted sounds just like the ocean.

I recently acquired the two paintings which were done by Adam for the girls’ rooms when they were born: Alice in Wonderland for Lyla and Cinderella for Wren. The girls, now 11 and 9, have transitioned to more grown up rooms, so I begged to have the paintings as I love them and they go beautifully with the blue sofa, the bright pillows and my sense of all thing whimsical. The last people who sat here were Corey and Adam when thy lived here for a month a year ago.
I will brag just a moment on Adam who is enormously talented, creating intricately detailed drawings since he was toddling around, asking me to draw high heels on his ball-gowned women.
I tell you about these sweet spots in my house in case you have some forlorn chair that needs a vignette to live in and also because as your Senior Influencer, I am required to talk about decor sometimes.
It’s just part of the job.
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Awesomeness ❤️
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