Entering the Blue Zone

I am determined not to diet. I hate the word as it implies a temporary, unsustainable, unpleasant attempt to lose weight through denial and, in my case, self-flagellation. I am done with dieting.

But I am also determined to reach a healthy, sustainable weight that involves enjoying food–the cooking, eating and sharing of it. And not just pictures on Facebook, actually eating food with other people. Since the pandemic, the breaking of bread with other people has become increasingly important to me.

Last summer, I tried NOOM for four months. I loved NOOM. I tracked my steps, my food, my water. I discovered what triggers my snacking and bad eating habits. And I learned all the right foods to eat for a lifetime of health and fitness. I did not lose a single pound, but I am oh, so much more wise and enlightened in regard to my fatness.

So my quest continues.

Years ago Scott found a book called The Blue Zones, about five parts of the world where an inordinate number of people live to be 100. They are Okinawa, Japan; Sardinia, Italy; Nicoya, Costa Rica; Ikaria, Greece, and Loma Linda, California. What the research teams discovered were that these folks have nine things in common–not just the food they eat which has similarities, but is not identical in these disparate parts of the world.

As your Senior Influencer, I feel compelled to share this with you.

The nine things are:

  • Move naturally–no forced workouts
  • Have a purpose in life
  • Downshift–practice yoga, meditation, study or prayer
  • 80% rule–stop eating when you are 80% full
  • Eat a mostly plant-based diet–very little meat or fish
  • Wine at 5–enjoy a happy hour with red wine every day
  • Right tribe–have a support group of people you travel through life with
  • Family first–loved ones are most important
  • Spirituality–belong to a faith community

This made sense to me and I recently found more information on creating a Blue Zone for yourself.

Here’s how I am embracing the Blue Zones strategy:

  1. I found a one-minute workout on TifTok (yes, I watch TikTok–It’s very inspirational and there are horses) that I can do while the coffee brews. I end up panting so it has to be working.
  2. I’m only semi-retired, so working is a purpose. Plus I am taking my role as Senior Influencer very seriously.
  3. I spend at least an hour every morning in quiet contemplation — of my NYT crossword, FreeCell Daily Challenge, Wordle, Wordle2, Quordle and, God help me, WORLDLE (which is identifying an obscure country by it’s shape alone.) Do not judge me. This hour with my coffee is sacred if not spiritual.
  4. The 80% rule eludes me. How can you tell when you’re 80% full?
  5. Since my cholesterol continues to be higher than it should, I am trying to eat a mostly plant-based diet. It requires a lot of chopping (I count that as natural movement.)
  6. I am an occasional white wine drinker. I find tepid red wine to be. . . well, tepid. But in the spirit of the Blue Zones, I am having a glass of red wine at 5 every evening or with dinner. But I am pouring it over ice. Stop rolling your eyes, Red Wine Drinkers! Sister Carol told me to get a good Pinot Noir in a box. She said it’s light and will be easier to get used to. Like a Gateway Drug. Or I can mix it with Sprite like Molly said she did when she first started drinking wine. That sounds trashy, so it’s a no for me.
  7. I have a very close group of friends who’ve been together for 20 years now. I thank God for them.
  8. You know how I feel about my family. They do and always will come first.
  9. Here’s something I need to noodle a little. Twenty years ago I left a church I loved, where I had held every office and done nearly every job, and I have yet to find a replacement for that. But I may begin a search soon.

So while I have a long way to go in most of these areas, I am at least taking a stab at it. I’ll keep you posted on how it goes.

In the meantime, I’m pouring myself a glass of wine. Is it ok to put the box in the fridge?

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