February 25, 2022February 26, 2022Aging, Senior Influencer, Writing And I Call Myself a Senior Influencer? Okay, so when I started this blog, I thought, “Cindy, you are so clever. You are brilliant. No one has thought of […]
February 17, 2022Entertaining, Family, Food, Super Bowl, Valentines I Have Seen the Enemy and It Is Food It’s hiding in the fridge, the pantry, that basket over there, and the bowl on the counter. The problem with food is […]
February 10, 2022February 16, 2022Family, Scott, work, Writing “Things Come and Go So Quickly Here” That’s a line from The Wizard of Oz, and it’s oh, so true in Texas as it was in Munchkin City. Tomorrow […]
February 3, 2022February 16, 2022Aging, Exercise, Family, Food, Scott Birthdays Today is daughter Molly’s birthday. And as son Adam pointed out early this morning, we know that because it is icy in […]
January 27, 2022February 16, 2022Entertaining, Family, Food, Grandchildren Carcoochie Boards In my new self-proclaimed role as Senior Influencer (no, I have yet to hear from any of the major mags, but I’m […]
January 19, 2022February 16, 2022Food, work, Writing Too Many Vegetables I’ve had a couple of revelations this past week. This is a result of more quiet time spent immersed in my crosswords […]
January 10, 2022February 16, 2022Food, Writing A Return to Writing The problem with not writing for a long time (in my case over a year) is that when you start back , […]