Hi, there, remember me?
I used to write a blog that I loved called The Widow Woman, but then in November my world blew up and this is the first opportunity I have had in nearly three months to get back to it. And to you.
Mea Culpa. But really, I’m blaming books and writing and marketing and holidays and yadayadayada.
The trouble actually started in October when I decorated for Fall and Halloween simultaneously and wanted to enjoy my decor. So I hosted six events that month. I squeezed every ounce of fun out of the Halloween skeleton and spooky houses.

I got into a habit of setting the table, having the party/luncheon/dinner, clearing it off, washing the dishes–large loads and small, then resetting the table for the next group. I became an entertaining machine. But I loved it.

Then came November. I boxed up Halloween and busied myself with marketing Sensible Shoes and not much else. Until the end of the month when I set the big table and two more for Thanksgiving, and hosted 18 at our annual Friends and Family-Giving extravaganza.
Set, clear, reset.

The day after Thanksgiving I dismantled Fall, got out the twenty tubs of Christmas decor (yes, twenty) and went to town decorating every nook and cranny for Christmas. When my sister Carol came into town and daughter Erin and her family came into town, I couldn’t let all that holly and ivy go to waste so I started hosting again. A Christmas Tea, Sibling Dinner, Grandchildren Sleepover, Christmas Eve Dinner, Christmas Morning and Lunch, and Tapestry Potluck.
Set, clear, reset.
Then it was January and the twenty tubs came back out. I took down Christmas, and enjoyed the calm of no seasonal décor. Ahhh. My dishwasher breathed a sigh of relief. (NOTE: It broke down last week and I had to get a new one. I hope it’s up to the challenge ahead.)

Until it was time to get ready for the Sensible Shoes Launch Party. My friend and co-conspirator Kathy helped me set the stage for a once-in-a-lifetime kick-off event at my house. We shopped and planned and set a beautiful table. My kids helped with food, champagne and cupcake decor. Granddaughter Lyla handled book sales. It was a group effort and well worth it.
The party was fun and fleeting.
Then my season of books, marketing, and entertaining was over. 15 minutes goes by fast.
Set, clear.
My house is back to normal until Easter when I will decorate and host. But that’s way off. Until then I did host a Valentine dinner for Tapestry, which required digging out my box of ancient, festive, red and white hearts, some of which are nearly 50 years old. I’ve left the table set, thinking about having family over, or at least the grands.
Around here there’s always a party on the horizon, something fun to look forward to and decorate for. I love to entertain. I am grateful Scott and I built a space that I can do just that. It was the point of our remodel the year before he died, after all. So I suppose it’s a legacy of sorts. And as long as I can haul out the holly, I’ll keep doing it.
Set, clear, reset.
2 thoughts on “Set, Clear, Reset”
“roll out the barrels….and we’ll have a barrel of fun!!”
this is your claim to fame and it’s served you well, Auntie Mame!!
You should know. You’re doing it, too. Miss Art Salon! Who knew when we were 8 that we’d be such wild women!